Nelson Supports 'No Confidence' Vote on Gonzales

Press Release


The United States Senate today voted on a motion to end debate and proceed to consideration of a resolution declaring "no confidence" in the performance of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson voted in favor of considering the bill. Nelson issued the following statement:

"Just a few weeks ago, we learned that former Nebraska U.S. Attorney and current Nebraska Supreme Court Chief Justice Mike Heavican may have been included on a list of U.S. attorneys targeted for dismissal. Although he was ultimately not fired, neither Congress nor Chief Justice Heavican has received any explanation for why he was included on that list.

"As one of only six Democrats to support his nomination, I had very high expectations for General Gonzales. Unfortunately, I have been disappointed. He has had ample opportunity to convince Congress and the American public that he can effectively lead the Department of Justice and answer all the questions that have been raised about his leadership, but he has failed to do so. There is a crisis of confidence in the Department of Justice and the American people deserve a Justice Department focused on law enforcement and terrorism protection."
